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Bhopal cleanup

Dear Reader,

I was glad to read that something is being done about the Bhopal site, I have held the view for a long time that the Bhopal event is a horrible industrial accident which could have been prevented or at least mitigated with great ease. But due to cost cutting at the plant a horrible toxic gas leak occurred which had on off site effect which was far more horrible than Chernobyl.

I may write more about the event later.

If you think that Chernobyl was ugly, then take a look at the Bhopal event ! The reason I think that the Indian accident was worse was that the death toll (general public) was far higher. Chernobyl can not be proven to have killed any member of the general public, while the Bhopal pesticide factory accident gassed to death thousands of local people.

I think that care needs to be taken to make sure that the clean up is done in a careful way which does not create a new threat to either the health / safety of the local people (+ workers) or a new threat to the environment.

2 Responses

  1. Has any mention been made of what the Germans plan to do with the waste and what “waste” they’re actually talking about? My understanding was that most of the toxic waste exists within the water supply and contaminated soils… but then the sheer volume of material the Germans will have to excavate would make it wholly impractical to just bury it (especially given that india dwarfs germany for available space to do so)

    • Good point, but I am hoping that if a good German chemical company like BASF is involved that the hazardous waste will be burnt in a good quaility incineration plant or otherwise disposed of in a safe and environmentally sound manner.

Go on, Have your say !